Thank you for using the beta version of "AI Art Wall - Drawn by Bot" from Man & Bot. With this service, you can
It's like an art filter but on steroids!
Basically, we make no guarantee to the quality or availability of the service.
The generation processes in our service have many random factors. Out of the generated artifacts, maybe 1 in 10 is ok, 1 in 100 is surprisingly good.
You may have generated many artifacts using our service and none of them is as good as you expect.
You can use this service as an anonymous user or you can create an account.
When you create an account by sharing your email address with us, you get to
, in the hope that one is good.
By uploading photos to this website, you give us the right to generate derivative works based on the photo you upload. For these photos, either
Artifacts generated by this service are released under CC BY-NC-SA. You are free to share it on your social media page for non-commercial purposes. See the terms of the license for more details
When creating an account, you are identified by your email address.
The service uses a single factor to authenticate who you are: your email address and a password generated by the service.
On the login page, you can either use
You have the option to disable temporary password on your account security page. When you do this, your account will be more secure but less convenient.
If you choose the less convenient option and lose your permanent password then you'll lose your account forever. We won't be able to recover the account for you without compromising the level of security that you choose to operate in. Please choose wisely, think about what is more important to you.
The permanent password the service generates for you is hard to remember and we recommend using a password manager to keep it safe and handy.
When you use this service as an anonymouse user, a "token" system is implemented to limit the load on our servers:
When you create an account to use the service, a "coin" system is implemented:
The service uses Stripe to process your payment information, such as credit card. This data is not transmitted to or saved on our servers, but directly transmitted to, and perhaps saved by, Stripe.
As the beta version, the cost of coins and how they are used in the service may change in the future. We suggest that you only purchase for what you need and use them right away instead of saving "coins" in our system. Remember: you only get "free" coins if you have less than 2 coins.
Please make the best use of free coins and tokens to test the service before buying coins. Refund is only provided in extreme circumstances, for example,